Our story

Daybreak Sun Company

Founded by 3 college friends, Henry, Sam, and Charles, our story starts in 2020. In our sophomore year at Florida State, with covid shutting down the parties, it was forced reflection. The “experts” fed us bullshit while claiming that anyone who questioned them was insane and hated babies. Fast forward two years, and they were wrong. We realized that blindly following the advice of others, even when it’s the government, doesn’t always work in your best interest. From this moment forward we decided to forge our own path and the result has been the most exciting and rewarding time of our lives. 

Enter Daybreak, we founded this company in early 2024 as our representation of this core philosophy. Creating a unique life for yourself because you’re more than just a cog in the machine. We believe that sun exposure is a critical part of achieving physical and mental health which ultimately provides you with the foundation to go after what you love. The machine has done its best to make you fear the sun, but we know otherwise. A healthy, active lifestyle and plenty of direct sunlight is the recipe for success.  

We’re documenting this journey on instagram @daybreaksun. We want to build something great that we can all enjoy. Daybreak is a reminder to trust yourself, forge your own path and have fun while doing it.

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” - Henry David Thoreau