our story

Daybreak Sun Company

Founded by 3 college friends, Henry, Sam, and Charles, our story starts in 2020. In our sophomore year at Florida State, Covid upended our whole world and showed us that our environment and lifestyle was poisonous. The illusion was broken. We began to spend more time outdoors, exploring our beautiful, awe-inspiring world, but after many, many sunburns, mineral based sunscreens, and frustrating aloe experiments we longed for a sunscreen without all the bullshit. We could often be heard contemplating "how did Native Americans live without avobenzone??" To find this answer we turned to the ancient texts which provided the recipe that we use today in our Original Sunbutter

At Daybreak, we believe going outside and being in the sun is a crucial part of achieving optimal physical and mental health. If you take a look around it’s pretty clear we’re not the same people who fought off grizzly bears to settle the American West. Our vision is of a society reconnected with its natural roots. Together we can put an end to iPad kids.

“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” - Henry David Thoreau

Protect our home

Partnership with Parley

We're proud to share that 1% of each purchase of our Original Sunbutter will be donated to our $1,000 ocean cleanup initiative with Parley. Parley is leading the global effort to remove plastics from our oceans while educating communities around the globe to ensure lasting change.